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1720 Grand Master of Malta Emmanuel Pinto Signed document bearing Marc Antonio Zondadari Wafer Seal
Jacob Guicciard, a citizen of Valletta obliges himself to pay back a certain sum of money, 277 scudos to Bailiff Don Antonio Manoel. Beside this, Francis Lucan obliges himself to pay 277 scudos to Emanuel Ribera from Lisbon from the 555 scudos in total for which he and Peter Le Garange bought goods from Ribera; Guicciard and the Bailiff intervened and thus paid certain parts of the money to Ribera. Guicciard rejects all his rights about the 277 scudos in question which Antoni Manoel ceded upon him previously. Nr. 2.
Bailiff Antonio Manoel states that he accepted 277 scudos from Jacob Guicciard. Nr. 3.
Peter Le Grangie, a Frenchman from the Dauphné obliges himself to pay 277 scudos to Bailiff Antonio Manoel, the half of the sum which he Le Grangie owes to pay to Emanuel Ribera from Lisbon for the goods he and Francis Lucan bought from Ribera earlier. Nr. 4.
Bailiff Antonio Manoel states that he received 277 scudos from Peter Le Grangie. ***
[1] An Indiction was any year of a 15-years cycle, a date counting system used in medieval Europe, traditionally in the Papal State or entities realted to the Church. Each year was numbered within the cycle.
[2] António Manoel de Vilhena, later Grand Master of the Order of Malta.
[3] „bancus” (bank) in the original, a service used in various trade contracts in Malta in the Early Modern period.
[4] The predicate of the sentence is missing, as several parts of the text were left out by the notary. I can be supposed, however, that the contract was about paying the money through the money changer.
[5] „counted money” or „paid money” (pecunia numerata), i. e. money given in payment of a debt.
[6] „tarenus” was a gold coin struck at Taranto.
[7] As stated above, several parts of the text were left out during copying the agreements. All the „etc.” abbreviations are present in the original document.
[8] Cruzado was a gold coin of Portugal.
[9] Present-day Mdina.
[10] I. e. Guicciard from the Bailiff.
[11] The predicate of the sentence is left out.
[12] Manuel Pinto da Fonseca, later Grand Master of the Order of Malta.
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